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Filmmaker. Entrepreneur.

Cheeseburger Connoisseur.


I wasn’t kidding… I love cheeseburgers.

But there are other things about me that are just as true. My “why” in life started young. At an early age stories became an essential part of how I could understand the world and relate to people. “Hey, what’s your favorite story?” is one of my favorite questions to ask folks. That glint in a person’s eye when they answer Gatsby, Lord of the Rings, or even The White Album quickly became something that I wanted to generate in others through my own work. 

Thanks to my mom, I turned into an avid reader and thanks to my dad I wrote plenty of book reports. That’s where the blend started to come from, the balance between creativity and delivering an intentional product. Since high school I wanted to understand not only how good stories are crafted, but also how to design them for a platform from which they could shine.

Film school, international film sales, television and movie production, film acquisitions, development, consulting, and brand building have been different stages of my career, but each one has expanded my view of modern storytelling. Each has helped me live my why as an adult. I get up and work so I can make a living telling stories alongside  people I like.

Blending art with business is the ultimate quest. It’s a journey that requires creative truth and savvy exchanges of resources. I’ve opened up my fare share of camera bags, but I’ve also closed my fare share of contracts. I’ve stood up plenty of lights, but also knocked out a matching number of spreadsheets. Along the path between those points I’ve found that teamwork and collaboration are essential to keep rolling forward.

If you’d like to walk the road a bit together or discuss the best burger joints around, drop me a line. I’m here for it.

-Nick Royak